The idea or perception that we require knowledge of the brain in order to come to grips with what renders us human beings is a profound fallacy. Besides, no one other than you, the individual, has the privilege to access your inner sanctum.

The human core – and in itself the spring of self-direction and the root of the psyche – is unlike matter or material reality: It is devoid of any quantifiable extent, and as such possesses neither mass nor weight, and cannot be measured in terms of length, width, or depth. In other words, Consciousness is a dimensionless actuality. Moreover, Consciousness voices or enunciates itself, and does not hinge on any other actuality – such as material reality – to validate its existence.

Contesting settled assumptions and prevailing mindsets.

In the eBook Consciousness: You’re Your Voice, the author shares with the reader how to grasp the intrinsic human element. He demonstrates that anyone can overcome the fog of opaqueness that surrounds man’s innate psychological architecture and hence gain a grip on the inner processes to foster mental well-being and pursue fulfillment.

It is empowering and refreshing!

Consciousness, which is the embodiment of human discernment, intuits itself. That is to say, the human essence comes to see and hear itself. In that way, the individual surmounts blindness to his interiority.

So, along with explicit self-knowledge comes inner illumination: The mind and, as such, the entire inner sanctum – or man’s innate psychological architecture – become as clear as the light of day.

Accordingly, instead of the individual groping in the dark regarding what transpires on the inside, he would exert himself, both mentally and physically, fully awake to the underlying inner processes. In this manner, one is positioned to suitably hold and mold his interiority, which includes actively overseeing the function of the mind. That is the basis of wholesome self-direction and mental well-being.

It is vital to underscore here that Consciousness is the essential volition that informs the human mind: The mind is primarily directed by one’s will, which is power inherent to Consciousness.

Also, one’s uniqueness and potential are inherent to his Consciousness. Coming to grips with the essential human element disposes the individual to forge his will and the other inner resources toward the discharge of his potential for personal fulfillment.

What’s more, grasping Consciousness presents ultimate empowerment for the individual to lead an authentic existence – that is, free of the compulsion of myths, convenient narratives, and all manner of doubtful mentalities.

By coming to grips with the intrinsic human element, we effectively seize what renders all of us one. And that underlines the necessity of grasping Consciousness in the interest of fostering wholesome human interface.

The brain does not create or generate Consciousness: The brain mirrors Consciousness, and that mirror is the mind.

Embracing Consciousness would incline humankind to raise the flag of our shared essence above all other considerations.

The psyche or man’s inner sanctum comprises of two poles: The mind, which constitutes the upper portion of the psyche; and then Consciousness, which is the base or root of that inner sanctum. As it is, Consciousness is the root of self-direction and the spring of inner illumination. Man’s inner illumination renders the mind distinct.

The mind is a portal, a virtual two-way mirror that materializes when Consciousness locks into the brain. From one side, the mind streams into man’s inner sanctum virtualized portrayals of the surrounding physical or sensory realities; and then facilitates, originating from the other side, the interpretation of those sensory perceptions. Additionally, the mind routes one’s outward or physical exertion.

By virtue of its makeup and function, the mind seamlessly and intimately immerses man in the sensory realities around him.

Now, just as the moon does not generate its own light but reflects that of the sun, the mind in the brain is a reflection of Consciousness. This conception – just like the Copernican or Galileo observations went against the grain by pointing out that it is the earth that moved around the sun rather than the reverse – will upset the widespread but erroneous notion that man's mental or psychological processes are a product of an assemblage of brain neurons. The brain does not create or generate Consciousness: The brain mirrors Consciousness, and that mirror is the mind.

The mind is to the brain what the screen is to a computer monitor. All man's exertions and experiences – sensory and otherwise – display in the mind. As aforementioned, it is via the mind as the interface of Consciousness and the brain that we engage with sensory realities and exert or direct ourselves physically.

Crucially too, it is the grasp of Consciousness that accords man a vivid mind-over-matter outlook.

The brain does not generate Consciousness.

The brain mirrors Consciousness.

Man is part of the ultimate reality out there, not because of the stardust that constitutes his physical form but chiefly because of Consciousness, which is his essential volition.


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